Coaching times
Sunday mornings:
10:00–11:00 Air pistol & air rifle
11:00–12:00 LW Sporting Rifle
12:00–13:00 Prone rifle
Regular coaching sessions are provided in all disciplines for probationary and club members on Sunday mornings. Novices are taught safety procedures and range etiquette before being judged safe to shoot without supervision and will learn the basics on the air range before being allowed to progress onto the small bore disciplines (the exception being prone rifle which probationers can also sign up for).
New members must first attend an induction course which are organised on demand as and when the Club Secretary receives checks back from the Police. Following this, all eligible probationers will be sent a weekly email with booking instructions for the Sunday training sessions. Existing Club members can also request the Club Secretary to be added to the mailing list if they wish to try a new discipline.
The Club can also provide individual coaching upon request for members and we can cater for specialist groups such as the Dyscover group who have a regular session. The Club also hosts shooting-related courses and encourage their members to gain qualifications and assist with coaching on Sunday mornings.
There is free use of equipment including rifles and pistols, shooting jackets and gloves, ear-defenders, spotting scopes and shooting mats for those who do not have their own kit.
Please contact the Head Coach for further information.