Bookham Rifle Club
News archive
Coronation Cup etc. Competition Results

Club President, Martin Dessoy, presents the
Leatherhead Auxiliary Shield to Yvonne Gordon
The annual Coronation Cup, along with the Goblin Cup and Silver Jubilee Trophy and the Leatherhead Auxiliary Shield took place on Sunday 30th October 2022 and attracted 40 entries from local Clubs. Bookham Rifle Club members nearly swept the board with Yvonne Gordon narrowly beating S. Roberts to win the Leatherhead Auxiliary Shield. Lina Jones scored 200 to win the Coronation Cup and along with Team mates Tim Hammond, Neale Parry and Peter Jones, also won the team event. Lina and Peter Jones were also 1st and 2nd respectively in the Silver Jubilee Trophy with Vera Potiakova from Wimbledon Park RC just pipping Peter Jones and Alan Downer to win the Goblin Cup. The full results can be found on the Results page.
October Lottery Draw
The Q4 Lottery draw was held on Sunday 23rd October and the winners are: 1st prize of £169 - Tony Sealey, 2nd prize of £113 - Alan Mesure and 3rd prize of £56 - Paul Hartt.
Many congratulations to our Junior members:-
Toby Meek - England Development Squad in Air Pistol
Jack Lovett - British Shooting Talent Squad in Air Pistol
Aidan Healy - Training with the ESSU squad in precision Air Rifle
We also have a number of juniors who are in the National Scout Squad:-
Katie McGrath, Sarah Waites and Tom James all shooting Sporter Rifle
The Coronation Shield/Cup, Goblin Cup and Silver Jubilee Trophy and the Leatherhead Auxiliary Shield
Bookham Rifle Club is hosting the Coronation competitions along with a new competition, the Leatherhead Auxiliary Forces Shield, for Light Weight Sporting Rifle to be shot on the same day at 20yds. The competition will be on Sunday 30th October and the entry forms and rules can be downloaded from the Club Events page (see last section - Multi-discipline). The closing date for entries is the 9th October.
Lina Jones wins 2022 Earl Roberts British Championship
Lottery Draw Q4 - 21st October 2019
The 4th 2019 Draw was done at the October Committee Meeting. The lucky winners are: Ian Marsden (£182), Martin Dessoy (£122) and Paul Goby (£61).
Junior Summer School
The 2019 Junior Summer School was held on the 5th-9th August and this year, as well as coaching in air pistol and air rifle and archery, the participants also had a go at Target Sprint which they thoroughly enjoyed. The course concluded with fun competitions on the Friday and prize giving - and nobody left empty-handed since awards were also made for perseverance and attention to detail, important aspects for any sport.
Lottery Draw Q3 - 9th August 2019
The 3rd 2019 Draw was done during the Junior Summer School with assistance from some of the participants! The lucky winners are: Jeanette Leivers (£182), Paul Goby (£122) and Ian Marsden (£61).
Lottery Draw Q2 - 14th April 2019
The 2nd 2019 draw was held on the Sunday of Range Weekend. The winner was Mervyn Pearson (£189), Paul Hartt was 2nd (£126) and Tony Sealey 3rd (£63).
Lottery Draw Q1 - 6th January 2019
The first lottery draw of 2019 was held after the Wappenshaw meeting and the winner is Trevor Robinson (£189). Ian Marsden won the 2nd prize of £126 and John Holton 3rd prize of £63.
Lottery Draw Q4 - 15th October 2018
The winner of Q4 is Dick Wilson (£189), Martin Dessoy won the 2nd prize of £126 and David Sprigg 3rd prize of £63.
Lottery Draw Q3 - 8th August 2018
The Q3 Lottery draw winners are Paul Hartt (1st prize of £209), Paul Goby (2nd prize of £139) and Ian Marsden (3rd prizes of £70).
Junior Summer School
This years annual summer school was held from 30th July to 3rd August and the youngsters enjoyed shooting with air rifle and air pistol, a day of archery and lots of fun competitions! Next year, we will add target sprint to the activities so not only will there be some running but a chance to use laser rifles on knock-down targets.
Lottery Draw Q2 - 21st May 2018
The Q2 Lottery draw was carried out at the monthly Committee Meeting and the winners were Nick Jubert (1st prize of £209) and Alan Mesure (2nd and 3rd prizes of £139 and £70).

Lina Jones wins silver medal at ISAS 2018
Club member Lina Jones won the silver medal in the women's prone rifle competition at the Internationaler Saisonauftakt der Sportschutzen ISAS) in Dortmund on the 19th March. She was narrowly beaten by Ayano Shimizu of Japan by 0.9 points with Lina holding Russian Yulia Zykova to third place by the same margin.
Lottery Draw Q1 - 7th January 2018
The first draw of 2018 was held at the Wappenshaw event and the three winners were: Paul Goby (£203), Clive Gordon (£135) and Peter Jones (£68).
Lottery Draw Q4 20th November 2017
1st prize (£203) – Tony Sealey, 2nd prize (£135) – Jeanette Leivers and 3rd prize (£68) – Martin Dessoy.
Lottery Draw Q3 29th July 2017
First prize (£193) – Paul Hartt, 2nd prize (£128) and 3rd prize Martin Dessoy (£64).
Lottery Draw Q2 – 27 May 2017
The Q2 draw was delayed by a few weeks due to the Treasurer being away (some of it for work!!). Anyway, the lucky winners are: 1st prize £199 – John King, 2nd prize £133 – Carol Turner and 3rd prize £66 – Melvyn Pearson.
Air Pistol Coaching with Mick Gault
Bookham Rifle Club air pistoliers attended a three hour training session with Olympic Air Pistol Champion Mick Gault on the new Air Range at the club. Four keen shooters started with some warm-up cards whilst being keenly observed by Mick who made adjustments to their stances. After some further practice, and modifications to one of the(…)
Bookings for Junior Summer Course open
Booking has opened for the Junior summer course 31st July-4th August being held at Bookham Rifle Club. The week’s activities include learning and improving shooting with air pistol and air rifle, a day of archery and lots of fun! Book early to avoid disappointment.
Lottery Draw Q1 2017
The first Lottery draw of 2017 was made on Sunday 15th January and the winners are: 1st prize £199 – Liz Allen 2nd prize £133 – Alan Mesure 3rd prize – £66 – Megan Fan.
Many congratulations to Lina Jones who has won the Earl Roberts British Championship at the NSRA Bisley rifle meeting for the second time.
Lottery Draw Q3 - 18th July 2022
The third lottery draw took place at the July Committee Meeting. The winners were: 1st prize 0f £169 - Keith Murray, 2nd prize £113 - Martin Dessoy and 3rd prize of £56 - Maurice Warden.
Junior Summer School tickets on sale
The 2022 Junior Summer School will run from Monday 25th-Friday 29th July and Monday 1st-Friday 5th August, from 10:00-14:00 each day. Activities on offer include air rifle and air pistol, archery and crossbow, airsoft and live fire sessions. Tickets can be booked here.
Lottery Draw Q2 - 9th April 2022
The second lottery draw took place in the Clubhouse during Range Weekend. The winners were: 1st prize 0f £166 - Martin Dessoy, 2nd prize £111 - Keith Murray and 3rd prize of £55 - Neale Parry.
Lottery Draw Q1 - 17th January 2022
The Q1 lottery draw winners for 2022 were: Paul Hartt (£160), Peter Vigar (£106) and Mervyn Pearson (£53).
Lottery Draw Q4 - 3rd October 2021
The Q4 lottery draw winners were: Tony Whitehead (£153), Vic Thompson (£102) and Martin Dessoy (£55).
Range Weekend 9th & 10th April
Range weekend took place on the weekend of the 9th and 10th April and was well attended - a big thank you to everyone who turned up to clear vegetation, clean and tidy, remove lead and casings, paint, garden and generally help out to keep our premises presentable, safe and fully functioning.
David Sprigg - 14th July 2021
It is with deep sadness that we have learnt that David lost his battle with cancer on the 14th July. David was a larger than life character always there to support and help anyone who needed it, and encouraging them no matter what their ability was to get an average and to enter competitions, whether they were Club, County or National ones. He was the force behind the new clubhouse and air range, and without him we would not have the facilities that we all enjoy. He will be deeply missed by everybody.
Lottery Draw Q3 - 4th July 2021
The Q2 lottery draw winners were: Carol Turner (£153), Vic Thompson (£102) and Peter Jones (£55).
Lottery Draw Q2 - 11th April 2021
The Q2 lottery draw winners were: Carol Turner (£166), Paul Hartt (£111) and John Buckley (£51).
Lottery Draw Q1 - 12th February 2021
The January Lottery winners were: John Buckley (£166), Martin Dessoy (£111) and Clive Buckley (£55).
Lottery Draw Q4 - 11th October 2020
The final Lottery draw for 2020 took place on Sunday 11th October and the three winners were David Crispin, Maurice Warden and Martin Dessoy who each won £169, £113 and £56 respectively.
Junior Summer School August 2020
The Club were pleased to support the Target Shooting School run a series of shooting days over two weeks in August for juniors. The take up was high, enabling existing air rifle and pistol enthusiasts to continue practicing and improving as well as introducing new youngsters to the sport. Congratulations to Jeanette and Daniel for running these successful courses.
Lottery Draw Q3 - 19th July 2020
The 3rd Draw of 2020 was drawn by Tim in the presence of fellow Trustees at the Club on Sunday 19th July. The lucky winners are: David Crispin (£176), Tony Sealey (£117) and Alan Mesure (£59).
All Outdoor Ranges Open from 26th July
Following an update to the COVID-19 restrictions and the NSRA Guidance, shooters may now use the firing points on the 20yd, 25yd, 50m and 100yd ranges in the designated positions which have to be looked in advance as per Tim's weekly email. The Air Range is not covered by our Insurance so 10m (and 20m) air targets will continue to use the 20yd (LWSR) range for now.
Club to reopen in July under Restricted rules
Following a successful trial run on Sunday 28th June in line with NSRA Guidelines, the Club will reopen in July with members able to book shooting slots online for use with their own equipment only. As we have also got a contactless payment machine now, ammunition can also be ordered in advance at the same time for collection on the day.
Lottery Draw Q2 - 11th May 2020
The 2nd Draw of 2020 was delayed, the numbers being drawn by Tim on one of his check-up visits to the premises. The lucky winners are: Nick Jubert (£182), Liz Allen (£122) and Ian Marsden (£61).
Junior Summer School 2020 - cancelled
The Junior Summer School due to take place from Monday 3rd-Friday 7th August has been cancelled. However, depending on the situation by the end of July, we may be able to organise some alternative junior activities over the summer - watch this space.
Lottery Draw Q1 - 20th January 2020
The 1st Draw of 2020 was done at the January Committee Meeting. The lucky winners are: Paul Goby (£179), Paul Hartt (£119) and Martin Dessoy (£60).
WAPPENSHAW - January 2020
The Annual Wappenshaw competition was held on Sunday 5th January 2020 and the usual crazy targets did not always favour the shooters with the best averages! As well as several members from juniors to quite senior in age having fun, a delicious lunch of home- made soup, baked potatoes and cakes was enjoyed by all before departing with at least one secret Santa prize each.